Hamachi is an UDP-based virtual private networking system to create your own VPN. It has versions that run under Windows, Linux and OS X.
The communication between peers is assisted for a third party server (a mediation server). That mediation stops when the communication is established.
It comes in two flavors: Basic (that is free) and Premium (licensed). When you install the product, you can try the Premium version for 30 days, after that it will be reverted to the Basic version. Or you can enter your registration code and begin using the Premium version from the beginning.
The Premium version, of course, has more advantages than the Basic version (numbers of networks a user can create, network lock, member ban, high bandwith relay, running as Windows Service) but the Basic version will fit the needs of most users.
When you install the program, it will guide you all the way with on screen help.
You can then setup your own network or join an existing one. When using the Free Version, the limit per network is 16 users.